John S Haggan (1946 – 2021)

John S Haggan (1946 – 2021)

John S Haggan painted professionally from 1979 – 2021. He has exhibited all over Ireland and has had paintings commissioned from across the world including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, America and Canada. With commissioned pieces being held within the House of Lords collection in Westminster and many other corporate and private collections he has truly captured the attention of many with his cloudy summer skies, peaceful snow scenes and warm autumn landscapes.

His work is reminiscent of many 18th and 19th century artists and he has often been compared to Constable; having portrayed the Irish landscape on a par with Constable’s portrayal of the English landscape. Specialising in capturing the beauty, peace and tranquillity of the Irish landscape, the art works he created were always full of life (like the artist himself). Birds flocking in a stormy...
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